
Flat plan for advert

Colour: The colours will be a simple black and white - all text will be black, and the image of the album cover will be plain and simple, as the image on it will be in black and white. I have chosen this colour scheme as I like how effective the simple colours are together and how they look quite professional.
Image: there will be one main image on this page and that will be the album cover of the artist. It will fill a lot of the page and will be in black and white. I will include this so my advert looks more interesting and has more elements, and so that the audience can link the text to an image. Apart from this there will only be a few little thumbnail sized images which will be the logos of iTunes and the company that produced the album.
Text, layout and font: All the text will be in Impact or something alike. The sizes will vary but the font and colour will be consistent. The layout will be set out in quite a simple way as the information will just read down the page. I have chosen to do this as I believe it will look simple yet interesting, and will overall look very proficient. 

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