
Final product - music video

Below is the finished version of my music video which I have created as part of a promotion package including a CD cover and an advertisment.

When editing my video I did insert a 'lens distortion' effect which changed the look of the video slightly. When I exported the video however, the effect cannot be seen when the video plays changing how I wanted it to look which could affect how the video is perceived and rated.

Tools used

One of the main programmes I used to create and edit my print tasks was Photoshop CS4. It has all the tools and editing options needed to create a professional looking CD cover and advert which will help me achieve the high grade I want. The main tools that I used in this programme were the eraser tool, the blur tool and the desaturate tool which ensured I gained just the right look I wanted for my product. I also used the box shown to help me alter text I used to get it the way I wanted it.

The programme I used to create and edit my music video was Adobe Premier Pro.It allowed the editing to be easy and simple to understand, with effects being able to be added effortlessly. Cutting my clips was easy as the process wasn't complicated. I was able to put together my clips quickly yet in a professional looking way as the software allowed me to add transitions and video effects, the main ones I used being 'lens distortion' and 'ghosting' as my footage was all handheld so these two effects added a more professional look to my video instead of the shaky shots. Finally, it allowed me to add the track I wanted to use over the top of my video quickly and efficiently, as I just needed to drag it over and then place my clips at the right position.

Storyboards, types of shot and pose

The type of shot I will mainly include in my video is a long shot, so that the person I am using can be fully seen and is entirely in the frame, with the background behind him also in view. He will be in one consistent pose, not moving except to change over the boards with the lyrics on them. The boards will have the words handwritten onto them so won't be any specific font and will mainly be in black with only hints of red and blue added throughout.

Print tasks - advert

I created two examples of adverts for my promotion package both of which I have included as I couldn't decide between the two. I have interpreted two similar images into each, one featuring the album cover I made and the other showing an image of my main character advertising the single which I made a music video to. Both posters include the same fonts and say the same things, however are set out in different layouts. The font I used was 'Impact' with various sizes depending on what piece of text it was.
I feel like whilst the first advert is very plain and has a lot of white space, it is keeping with the tone of the simple theme I was aiming for, therefore making my promotion package look overall more professional. My second advert contrasts the first however as the image takes up the entire background with the text over lapping it making it more busy yet not overcrowded and still having an effect whilst maintaining a sophisticated quality to it.


Print tasks - CD package

This is the final front cover for my print task of a CD package. Since the person I am using in my music video has changed I also used the same person in my print tasks so that my work was consistent and looked professional. I took an image of him holding up a big piece of card which I would insert the album title onto with the artist's name. I blurred the background behind him and then desaturated the image to drain out all the colour and make it more black and white/greyscale so the theme of my promo package is in keeping with each other.
This is the final back cover for my print task of a CD package. My first draft had an all white background with no image or detail, but I have incorporated images of trees underneath the diamond shape containing the song titles on the album to match the front cover which has a scenic landscape behind my main character.
This is the final insert for my print task of a CD package. I took several images of my main character in different poses and positions, which I then inserted into photoshop to edit into one image to look like the same person in one place several times. I erased around four of the separate images and places them onto the fifth image which still had it's background. I then blurred the background behind each image and desaturated the colour out of the entire image so that it matched the rest of the CD package.

Time management

My time management last year wasn't as successful as I had hoped, as the person I chose to be the main character in my video was unreliable as he was hard to get in touch with and arrange things. Because of this I have decided to revisit my time management and revise it so that everything is completed in time as I have changed certain elements, such as the person I am using. This is the dates I have allocated to each task:

6th - 10th: storyboards, recces, characters and shot types
11th - 12th: audience research
13th - 16th: filming video and getting images
17th - 19th: organising materials
20th - 24th: editing of video and altering print tasks
27th - 29th: additional audience research

1st - 4th: feedback of work and improvements
9th - 11th: improvements
12th - 16th: any unfinished work
19th - 23rd: evaluation
30th: final deadline